Monday, January 26, 2009


This..Well, this is what happens when Parker gets stung by an insect. We are not sure what kind of insect. This is not the first time that he has had a reaction to something. The child can brush against a bug or anything that MIGHT cause a rash, and he will break out. So, we were not suprised when he woke up Friday morning with an ear the size of Dumbo.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

GOOD Mother Item of The Day

Yes, I know. I'm a GOOD mother! Because, a good mother runs to get her camera, instead of putting him back in bed!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The JOY of Christmas card pics!

Every year, we line the kids up, and take pics for our Christmas cards. Well, the first year with Jack was hard. Then, last year was a little harder. But, nothing prepared me for this year....The first day was, BAD. Jack was crying. I was screaming. And, Izzy was falling out of Parkers lap. Then, we tried one more time. It was ok, other than Parker wasn't happy this time, and Jack was making funny faces. So, when you get your card, just understand that I have no hair left. And, that we love them even if they look kinda "special".

2ND day. Jack has candy in his mouth.

1st day. Can you see the tears? And Parker, well we are not sure. Poor Izzy.

I think Parker was trying to bite Jack.

And, this will be the photo you get! Sorry.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Sunday Picnic

We decided that we should head up to our 5 acres yesterday. And, have a picnic. Well, the boys played. Jesse took pics. And, Izzy and I relaxed. But, after the boys played out, Parker laid down next to Izzy on the blanket. I had to sneak up and get this pic! Later, when we are going through the pics on the computer, I show Jesse. He starts laughing. And, asked Parker why he was being so nice to sister. He said he was trying to keep a bee from her! HA! Likely story!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Scary Bunk Beds

So, we find Parker and Jack a bunk bed. We buy Jack all new bedding for his "Big Boy" bed. Jesse comes home and puts the beds together, and Jack and Parker are SOOOO excited. Everything was fine, until we go to put them to bed last night. Jack has this weird look on his face, when Jesse tells him he is sleeping in the new bed. He starts screaming! Not a normal scream. But, the kind that a wild rabid animal makes! Jesse gets him up, and lets him pee. Jack runs into his old room, and starts trying to climb up into his crib! Jesse goes to grab him, and he is hanging on to the crib screaming, NO!! He finally lets go, after Jesse pries his hands free. He continues to scream like a wild animal for about 30 mins! I guess he gave in, maybe to Parker singing Thomas to him, but he feel asleep!

TRIP to Idabel.

So, Friday I decide I need to run to Idabel. I need to go get a prescription at Wally World. So, on the way, we stop at Sharps. I find a good deal on some Cruel Girls, and we go to leave. Well, if any of you have ever shopped at Sharps, you know that they follow you around like you are going to steal them blind! Well, both of the boys decide that they need to pee. I tell them to wait until Wal-Mart, because IF sharps had a bathroom, they would follow you in it to make sure you wasn't taking their stuff! So, I head out to the van, and I tell Jack to stand on the sidewalk. I can see his little head over the hood of my van, but nothing else. When I head around the van, I see that Jack has his pants down, peeing in the street!!!!! I start screaming, STOP! STOP! STOP! I then proceed to spank him for something we just trained him to do. I then explain to him that, you cant pee in town. Only at home, in our backyard, IN TOWN! So, I get them loaded up. We FINALLY get out of Wal-Mart, and I turn around to back out, and I notice black ink on my very back seat. The one that Parker sets in. I ask him why he wrote on my seat. He tells me that he wanted to write his name. I calm down enough to look, and not only is there a BIG BLACK circle drawn on my seat, but BIG BLACK Parker drawn on the head rest!!!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

This is Izzy eating sweet potatoes and applesauce. I don't think she likes the applesauce!

About Me

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Ok, United States
I am a 28-year-old mother of three. Yes, three! I stay at home, and care for my kiddos. Parker, is five going on six. Jack is two going on three. And, Isabella is 10 weeks old. They all have very different personalities. Parker is the funny one that makes friends easy. Jack, is funny, but mean funny. Izzy, is well 10 weeks. We are not sure about her. So, this is where I will rant about the crazy things that go on in my life. Seeing as I don’t have TV, and internet is the only link to the outside. And, I wanted to see how many times I could make my dear old friend go into the fetal position, from my lack of good grammar. You know who you are! If you raise your kids by the book, and listen to all the experts on raising a child, this blog is not for you! And, if you feel at any point you should call DHS, ask me for the number!